They say the tradition is the bridge to the past, and we must keep the tradition to keep the past. I carry the past like a backpack, unseen on my shoulders, unfelt on my skin and I walk: out of a sudden the wind blows through the trees and their leaves rustle, like tiny birds rubbing their tiny wings. In front of me the path is all meshed up by the sun's sharp spears piercing the thick canopies, making them bleed with afternoon gold, warm and soft. Right then, right there I know for sure my ancestors and their ancestors and their ancestors saw what I've been seeing, heard what I've been hearing...
They say the universe started with a particle. They now look into the particle in the lab, and they see myriads of particles. Universes of particles. Nowhere to end up, nowhere to end down. We're actually not closer to the truth than our kin, the cavemen were. At least those believed in some gods who took care of the inexplicable...
My people say that if you do not have old people you have to invent them. And then you have to listen to them because they know better. I always listened to those older than me, not because they knew better, but because my mom taught me to respect them, no matter what. She also taught me to trust anybody else but me. Every year passing by I see less people older than me. At some point I'll have to trust myself as I'm going to be among the few old people I'll know...